Provisional weekly police-reported injury crashes on state highways in California

Data on this page is updated daily and can be used to monitor the frequency and type of crashes that occur in weekly basis for recent years. The page was originially developed to track the trend of weekly crashes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Provisional crash data in this page is based on police reports of crashes that occurred on state highways. Crashes are added to the California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and we download them from the I-SWITRS website on a daily basis. There is a delay related to submitting, processing, and tabulating crash data into SWITRS. Due to this lag, the data shown on this page may exclude some relevant crashes, particularly those occurring in the most recent two to three weeks. Crash counts for all weeks are revised as new and updated crash data are received. These data do not currently include crashes that occurred on non-state roads.

Last Updated:

Crashes as of March 09, 2024 from CHP I-SWITRS

Police-reported injury crashes on state highways in California

Statewide Summary

  • Week starting date is the week starting date basis on 2020 Calendar (e.g., Monday 3/16/2020 corresponds to Monday 3/18/2019)
  • Total Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways
  • F+SI Crashes are police-reported injury crashes that has a fatal or serious injury
  • Vehicle Miles Traveled (Millions) is the measure of exposure (calculated by multiplying the amount of daily traffic by the directional distance)
  • 3/16/2020 * is the week when the California's stay home order went into effect (March 19, 2020) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Week starting date is the week starting date basis on 2020 Calendar (e.g., Monday 3/16/2020 corresponds to Monday 3/18/2019)
  • Total Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways
  • Fatal Crashes are police-reported injury crashes that has a fatality
  • Serious Injury Crashes are police-reported injury crashes that has a serious injury
  • 3/16/2020 * is the week when the California's stay home order went into effect (March 19, 2020) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Week starting date is the week starting date basis on 2020 Calendar (e.g., Monday 3/16/2020 corresponds to Monday 3/18/2019)
  • Pedestrian Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways for which Pedestrian Crash = 'Y'
  • Bicycle Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways for which Bicycle Crash = 'Y'
  • Total Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways
  • F+SI Crashes are police-reported injury crashes that has a fatal or serious injury
  • 3/16/2020 * is the week when the California's stay home order went into effect (March 19, 2020) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Week starting date is the week starting date basis on 2020 Calendar (e.g., Monday 3/16/2020 corresponds to Monday 3/18/2019)
  • Unsafe Speed Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways coded as Primary Collision Factor Violation: 03 - Unsafe Speed
  • Improper Turning Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways coded as Primary Collision Factor Violation: 08 - Improper Turning
  • DUI Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways coded as Primary Collision Factor Violation: 01 - Driving or Bicycling Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drug
  • Other Crashes are police-reported injury crashes on state highways for which the Primary Collision Factor Violation was not coded as 03, 08, or 01
  • 3/16/2020 * is the week when the California's stay home order went into effect (March 19, 2020) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Note: Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the crash occurred and when the crash report is completed, submitted to SWITRS, and processed for reporting purposes.